Introduction |
Introduction: Assessing Audience Selecting Format Crafting Style Site Links: Writing Guidelines Writing Exercises
Before you commit words to paper in an engineering or scientific document, you should understand the subject matter that you are trying to communicate. In other words, you should not begin filling pages with sentences unless you have a general idea where those sentences are headed. Even after you have a general understanding of your subject matter, you still should not begin writing until you analyze your writing constraints, which are those aspects of the writing that you do not control. Constraints include your audience for the document and the format of the document--both of these constraints are discussed in this section. Another constraint, not discussed here, is mechanics, which comprises grammar, punctuation, and usage. Interactive exercises on mechanics can be found at the "Writing Exercises for Engineers and Scientists." Besides discussing the constraints of audience and format, this section also discusses the term style, which is that aspect of the writing that you do control.
Last updated 7/04 |