Once you have given a reference listing in the text of the document, you are obligated to give a full reference citation somewhere in the document (usually at the end). Just as there are different ways to give reference listings in the text (author/year, numbers, and so forth), there are different formats for reference citations. Given below is a common system used in engineering and science for the reference listings of this appendix. For an explanation of the form of this system, see Appendix A.
Alley, C. D., Plant Manager of Mason-Hanger Pantex Plant (Amarillo, TX: 3 March
1989), letter to Amarillo Globe News.
Asker, J. R., "Nuclear Rockets Gain Support for Propelling Mars Mission," Aviation Week & Space Technology, vol. 134 (18 March 1991), pp. 78-79.
Borowski, S.K., E.A. Gabris, and J. Martinelli, "Nuclear Thermal Rockets: Next Step to Space," Aerospace America, vol. 127, no.2 (February 1987), pp. 16-18.
Cary, Peter, "The Asbestos Panic Attack," U.S. News & World Report (20 February 1985), p. 62.
DeMeis, R., "Cleaning up Our Space Act," Aerospace America, vol. 127, no. 2 (February 1987), pp. 10-11.
Department of Energy, Preliminary Report on the Assessment of Health Risks From the United States Nuclear Weapon Facilities, DOE Report #88-805P (Washington, DC: Department of Energy, 1988).
Feynman, Richard P., "An Outsider's Inside View of the Challenger Inquiry," Physics Today (February 1988), pp. 26-37.
Halliday, David, and Robert Resnick, Fundamentals of Physics (New York,: Wiley, 1974), p. 655.
Handbook of Chemistry and Physics, 50th ed. (New York: Chemical Rubber Publishing Co., 1969).
Kare, Jordan T., Laser Propulsion and Possible Mission to Mars, AAS (Livermore, CA: Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, 1987).
"Solar Photon Thruster," Journal of Spacecraft and Rockets, vol. 28, no. 4 (July-August 1990), pp. 411-416.
Thole, Karen, "Facilities of the Experimental and Computational Convection Laboratory," http://fbox.vt.edu:10021/eng/mech/thole/research/facilities (Blacksburg, VA: Virginia Tech, 2000).
Winter, Frank, Rockets Into Space (Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1990).