Journal Articles

Illumin (USC)

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Engineering and science journals are a primary means by which engineers and scientists present their work. Journal articles are similar to formal reports in content, but differ in format. For instance, the formats for journal articles usually have space for only type of summary, and the size of that summary is limited. For that reason, the summaries in most journal articles are usually descriptive or combinations of informative and descriptive. Another instance in which journal formats vary from formal reports is that the author has little or no room for appendices. Therefore, the author has less opportunity to tailor the document for multiple audiences. What some journals such as Scientific American do provide in their formats, though, are sidebars or side articles that allow the author to present deeper explanations or discussions of branch issues.

The Undergraduate Engineering Review is a new journal that has two primary goals. The first goal is to provide undergraduate engineering students with a forum for presenting their views on current engineering topics. The second goal is to set a standard of writing excellence for the undergraduate engineering community. The following are format guidelines for articles submitted for consideration to the Undergraduate Engineering Review. In the Undergraduate Engineering Review, there are articles and briefs. The documents arise primarily from assignments submitted by undergraduate engineering students in their communication courses. Submission to the journal occurs through recommendations of participating instructors at the University of Texas who teach those courses. For a teacher to submit an article, a brief, or an essay, the teacher must have a computer copy of the report, article, or brief with all the artwork imbedded (scanned or drawn). Instructors at other universities are encouraged to establish similar on-line journals at their respective institutions.

Last updated 8/03
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