Results of the 2015 Leonhard Center Speaking Contest
Posted: February, 2015

The 2015 Contest Finalists
On February 4th, 2015, eight finalists competed in the College of Engineering’s final round of the Leonhard Center Speaking Contest in 22 BBH.
- Bryce Connelly, Sophomore, Aerospace Engineering
- Nicole Gallegor, Sophomore, Mechanical Engineering
- Kristina Gans, Senior, Biological Engineering
- Brianna Haglan, Sophomore, Chemical Engineering
- Stephanie Howard, Sophomore, Chemical Engineering
- Sarah Markel, Sophomore, Chemical Engineering
- Mikhala Stevens, Sophomore, Industrial Engineering
- Ryan Troy, Sophomore, Chemical Engineering
Each speaker gave a talk presenting an engineering solution to a societal problem. We are excited to announce that Kristina Gans won first place with her presentation about improving food packaging. Nicole Gallegor placed second with her talk on using composite materials to improve bridge construction. The two people’s choice awards were given to Ryan Troy and Bryce Connelly, who both received the most votes from our audience at the contest.
Thank you to everyone who attended the contest! Our eight speakers appreciated your support, and we hope that you learned something from their fantastic presentations!